October Update

Its been over a month now since the Oasis team have been back on site at Jungle Dance. We’ve been busily preparing for the upcoming tourist season in Goa AND for our very first, pioneer Permaculture Design Certificate Course held on site in just a few weeks time!

So what’s new?

Well when we arrived on site we had the pleasure of discovering that the new therapy pool was in its finally stages of completion. This pool is designed to be accessible for children with disabilities. Accessibility is of key importance to our whole project and seeing one of its main components completed has been a real triumph.

junglepool junglepool2pool  pool5pool4pool2pool3pool7   pool6 pool9pool8pool10The pool will be open for public use throughout the year

The next most important thing of course is our tummies!

The Jungle Dance Cafe has opened and is serving some truly mouth-watering treats including a revolutionary Syrian Thali and Mango pie. Our new chefs are excelling in providing quality vegetarian and vegan food. But don’t worry those of carnivorous persuasion, you’ll also get satisfaction here with full Dutch Breakfast and Tomeggchi (tomato, eggs, cheese)


Now what about the garden?

We have had the pleasure of welcoming an amazing group of volunteers this month. The power of many minds coming together to create abundance on our land has been most welcome. Together we’ve been breaking ground on some garden beds (edible and otherwise), harvesting bamboo, planting green manure and other nitrogen fixing plants, brain storming humanure possibilities and other creative projects like making blackboards for our upcoming workshops and PDC.

Volunteers1oasisgardenoasisgarden2 greenmanureVolunteers2   ramp ramp2vollies7 vollies   vollies5vollies6vollies3

Oh yeah and huts!

Last year we exclusively provided accommodation in Tipis on site. However this year we’ve expanded our repertoire and have built some truly beautiful bamboo huts. They’re nearly finished, only lacking doors and a couple of cow dug floors but we are so pleased to be able to model some natural building techniques so soon on site.

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Broadening our Local Community

This month we also held our first ever free Permaculture workshop on site. Our “How to Make a Garden Bed” introductory workshop, lead by Joey Devlin was an outstanding success and we were so pleased by the turn out that day. What wonderful people came and shared and learned together. We discovered that rather than “teaching” a workshop we facilitated shared learning among the participants and we all came out having learned something new.

gardenbedworkshop   gardenbedworkshop7 gardenbedworkshop6gardenbedworkshop4  gardenbedworkshop5  gardenbedworkshop3 gardenbedworkshop2 gardenbedworkshop8

Together we took a tour of the Jungle Oasis, discussed composting and created a mulched garden bed, followed by a once again delicious plant-based lunch provided by our chefs.

Registration as an official trust!

Something that has been dear to the furthering of our work with local communities, especially those of differently able people and children, is that the Jungle be registered as an official trust. This has been many years in the making and the relief and joy we feel on finally receiving this confirmation is a real triumph for this collective! Now we can go on to provide further services like our therapy pool for people who would otherwise have difficulty accessing these facilities.

Ongoing this Month

For the rest of the month before the Permaculture Design Certificate we will be working on various projects including installing irrigation systems, finishing off the huts, digging swales, creating more garden beds and planting.

It’s a real hive of activity here most days, lots happening and lots of helping hands to make it happen. It’s great to be working with people from across the world to put this project together.

To find out more about our upcoming Permaculture Design Certificate course click here.

Share our project on social media, and tell people about our PDC starting at the end of the month!! For more updates follow us on Facebook.

Look out for our crowdfunding site, details shortly to be circulated…

Thank you so much for following and being apart of our progress,


Author: Joseph Devlin

Educator & Coach

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