Why I choose to combine movement and sustainability. . .

People often ask me “so what is this permaculture thing?”  – that can often end up being a really long conversation. So I’m going to challenge myself whilst writing this and try to keep this article as short as possible.

The shortest way to sum up the philosophy of permaculture in a way  that the most people might understand is :

“it’s a holistic land management design tool, where we use nature as our guide”

Simple right? So why would you need to spend 2 weeks learning that?

The concept is simple but applying that principle is a skill, and learning new skills this takes time and practice and it takes a team of teachers to show you different examples and to challenge you to progress …

Does this sound at all familiar ? have you ever tried doing a yoga class?

ex-rugby playing/ mountain biking Kiwi bloke, who loves adventure and new challenges. I really struggled with many aspects of yoga and of the Permaculture course… Sitting still during meditation or class was a big one, my back would get sore, my core would get tired, my mind would wander off. I would lose concentration and connection with the conversation and with my breath.

My body’s movements lacked the  flexibility for me to perform swan or pigeon pose, without my mind really fighting back,  and I would find my mind being like  it would say: ”whoa your way to tight for this nonsense, i’m not build for this”

I would struggle to be able to “rest” in downward dog pose, as sweat was pouring like a waterfall off  my forehead and down my nose.  My balance was terrible, Tree pose (when you sand on one leg) was a real challenge to this most “simple” of ability.

So what’s the connection between permaculture and yoga ? ,

You will notice that many of the names of the poses/ movements or asanas are taken from nature:  downward Dog, Pigeon, Tree.  

We share two things in common:  We all get challenged, and we all breathe.

Yoga could be described as:  

A holistic body and mind management tool, where we use nature as our guide…
The practice of unwinding our bodies physical tension, strengthening weak muscles, developing skills we lack. I believe creates a flourishing of our untapped ability to BE different to think and act differently ultimately to be more connected with our part in nature.

So what better practice to undertake as we look deeply at our connection to how we utilize the resources that nature provides. As we realise that we are not separate from our environment but deeply connected to it.  As we question: how we give back to nature and work as a part of the ecosystem , how we choose to live sustainably or judge when we are not ? 

trees hands 1

The challenge has been getting comfortable with the uncomfortable to push myself to be a little less.  Less tight in my body, to be less in my mind, and live more in my body.

And that change has been reflected in how I choose to show up in the world, open to new expectations of myself, possibilities of what I wish to create in this world, ways of living and what inevitably I wish to leave behind me for the generations to come.

The permaculture yoga retreat is designed to heal on many levels :

One of the biggest challenges we face today as I’m sure many generations have struggled with,  is:  “how do we live in community ? how do we relate to and interact with each other ?

During the pdc a mini community forms, a community of people from very different backgrounds from all over the world. This diversity offers a range of experiences, opinions , abilities, skills. These can show up as gifts and challenges for us all. Perhaps this 2 weeks is a chance for you too see where you fit into that community. A chance to experiment with community living and working and to see if that is that for you ?  

So why  should you choose the jungle oasis permaculture retreat for your experience ?

The 72 hr pdc is offered in many places around the world, in many beautiful locations with many beautiful teachers. The pdc at the Jungle Dance in March 2018 has been designed to offer the participant a chance to change. To drop into a space where they can learn to change their bodies, to change their minds and to change the part they play in nature and their communities.

Not only is the location fantastic, 10 mins from the beach by scooter, or 20 by bus, the site is surrounded by nature beautiful, set upon a pool, to relax that body as it develops from the yoga, the kitchen produces delicious food to nourish the body.  And the teachers guiding that process are outstanding.  if this speaks to you then get in touch with us and enquire about your place. 

Ill sum this up with my reflection on what the process life and of putting the project together over the years has taught me that the most challenging activity for my mind is to be still, unmoving in calm, non-judgemental self reflection… just as nature does.

Joseph Devlin,

Ireland November  2018


trees looking up

Teachers confirmed for our November courses…

So the next pdc in November approaches, The dates are confirmed, the teachers diarys are booked out, and the prices are almost set, are you interested in continuing your journey into sustainability ?

This 3 week residential regenerative experience will change the way you see our would and your part within it, are you keen for this change ?

Permaculture Design Certificate course

Lead tachers website…

ask us for more info if your interested to join in on this 3 week course begining of november 2016.

Big smiles

The Jungle Oasis Permaculture team

October Update

Its been over a month now since the Oasis team have been back on site at Jungle Dance. We’ve been busily preparing for the upcoming tourist season in Goa AND for our very first, pioneer Permaculture Design Certificate Course held on site in just a few weeks time!

So what’s new?

Well when we arrived on site we had the pleasure of discovering that the new therapy pool was in its finally stages of completion. This pool is designed to be accessible for children with disabilities. Accessibility is of key importance to our whole project and seeing one of its main components completed has been a real triumph.

junglepool junglepool2pool  pool5pool4pool2pool3pool7   pool6 pool9pool8pool10The pool will be open for public use throughout the year

The next most important thing of course is our tummies!

The Jungle Dance Cafe has opened and is serving some truly mouth-watering treats including a revolutionary Syrian Thali and Mango pie. Our new chefs are excelling in providing quality vegetarian and vegan food. But don’t worry those of carnivorous persuasion, you’ll also get satisfaction here with full Dutch Breakfast and Tomeggchi (tomato, eggs, cheese)


Now what about the garden?

We have had the pleasure of welcoming an amazing group of volunteers this month. The power of many minds coming together to create abundance on our land has been most welcome. Together we’ve been breaking ground on some garden beds (edible and otherwise), harvesting bamboo, planting green manure and other nitrogen fixing plants, brain storming humanure possibilities and other creative projects like making blackboards for our upcoming workshops and PDC.

Volunteers1oasisgardenoasisgarden2 greenmanureVolunteers2   ramp ramp2vollies7 vollies   vollies5vollies6vollies3

Oh yeah and huts!

Last year we exclusively provided accommodation in Tipis on site. However this year we’ve expanded our repertoire and have built some truly beautiful bamboo huts. They’re nearly finished, only lacking doors and a couple of cow dug floors but we are so pleased to be able to model some natural building techniques so soon on site.

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Broadening our Local Community

This month we also held our first ever free Permaculture workshop on site. Our “How to Make a Garden Bed” introductory workshop, lead by Joey Devlin was an outstanding success and we were so pleased by the turn out that day. What wonderful people came and shared and learned together. We discovered that rather than “teaching” a workshop we facilitated shared learning among the participants and we all came out having learned something new.

gardenbedworkshop   gardenbedworkshop7 gardenbedworkshop6gardenbedworkshop4  gardenbedworkshop5  gardenbedworkshop3 gardenbedworkshop2 gardenbedworkshop8

Together we took a tour of the Jungle Oasis, discussed composting and created a mulched garden bed, followed by a once again delicious plant-based lunch provided by our chefs.

Registration as an official trust!

Something that has been dear to the furthering of our work with local communities, especially those of differently able people and children, is that the Jungle be registered as an official trust. This has been many years in the making and the relief and joy we feel on finally receiving this confirmation is a real triumph for this collective! Now we can go on to provide further services like our therapy pool for people who would otherwise have difficulty accessing these facilities.

Ongoing this Month

For the rest of the month before the Permaculture Design Certificate we will be working on various projects including installing irrigation systems, finishing off the huts, digging swales, creating more garden beds and planting.

It’s a real hive of activity here most days, lots happening and lots of helping hands to make it happen. It’s great to be working with people from across the world to put this project together.

To find out more about our upcoming Permaculture Design Certificate course click here.

Share our project on social media, and tell people about our PDC starting at the end of the month!! For more updates follow us on Facebook.

Look out for our crowdfunding site, details shortly to be circulated…

Thank you so much for following and being apart of our progress,


Our Journey into Magical Braveheart country to meet the team behind Carrig Dulra …

Yesterday Hannah and I met with the Founders of the Carraig Dulra Permaculture Research and Demonstration and Education Center, Suzie & Mike Cahan.  Their site is in the in the Wicklow Mountains in South East of Ireland, close to where the famous Mel Gibson movie “Braveheart” was filmed…

Mike and Suzie started the site 8 years ago and have achieved an impressive amount in that time, But acknowledge the help they had received from their dedicated local Volunteers and Woofers.  Their site buzzes with positive energy from their Children and 2 lovely dogs.

Suzie gave us a tour of Their beautiful site and explained the work they had done in forming the various zones. They have a fantastic natural build hall with hobbit style living roof, giant size glass house, (Recycled of course) plenty of rich soil in annual beds, huge Chicken house and the impressive beginnings of a diverse food Forrest.

Suzie is an experienced Teacher, Organizer & Leader of Permaculture courses, and runs a Permaculture Design Certificate Course every May at the Carraig Dulra site. We went their after asking if we could “pick her brains” about ideas for the Jungle Oasis Permaculture Project and our courses.

Based on what they tried and found had worked for their courses in the past. Both her and Mike gave us in-valuable advice about our project and ideas. She told us many stories of the nature of students and how the cycles of courses tend to run. She revealed to us how she designs them (using permaculture principles of course) to be a valuable experience for all involved.

The visit to the site has left us with a buzz of energy, full of ideas and feeling wiser on the subject, like we had spend time with true masters of their craft. We are tired from seeing all the work and thinking about all that needs to happen on our site, but feeling really excited to be running the project and helping to facilitate the PDC coming up in November.

We wish Suzie, Mike and all the Team all the best for the future and hope when they travel next, it might be to us as The International Permaculture Convergence  in 2017 is only 700 kms from our site, and sure that’s nothing to them…

Permaculture Design Certificate course

This internationally recognised course runs over 2 weeks (72 hours) from the 31st of October until the 15th of November. And is hosted in A beautiful green setting near Arambol, India.

Based on the Permaculture principles: (Earth & people care, fair share, Developed in the 70’s by Bill Mollison & David Holmgren)
The course will teach you how to use design to better enable you to turn your environment into a sustainable and regenerative system. You will learn to utilise strategies and choose which techniques to use, to create a world of abundance for you and those around you.

Price: us $585 *

For Additional cost Accommodation in tipis, located on the edge of the forest, & Vegitarian meals can be provided click here to view pricing options.

Course aims:

  • By immersion into supportive healing spaces &  fun lessons,  students will learn a variety of ways to understand the concepts & philosophy of sustainability via permaculture.
  •  By tried and tested methods and practice, strategies will be demonstrated on how to regenerate the earth’s soil to stimulate abundance in our environments.
  • By facilitating multicultural groups, the individual’s will experience healthy spaces.
  • To deliver a healthy routine of light exercise combined with nourishing food.
  • During relevant visits and practical hands on sessions, students will be not just learn concepts but further their journey of regeneration.  

What is the 72 Hour  Permaculture Design Course ?

Using a variety of learning techniques and strategies this workshop will present Permaculture with all of these applications in mind. Class time will consist of traditional lectures, guest presentations, group discussions, games, exercises, photo shows, and movies. We will focus on land systems with as much hands on work and examples as possible. Many discussions and examples will be explored of possible applications in ‘Invisible Structures’, those social, cultural, political, and economic structures that shape much of our world today. Not only will the course be about Permaculture, but it will also model it by its structure and the environment we create together during the course.

This workshop will involve group work with students completing a real life design project. Based on a site near the venue.
Once completion of the 72 hour Permaculture Design Course theoretical and practical knowledge of Permaculture will be gained.and at the end of the workshop they will receive a  Certificate that will enable the participant to practice as a Permaculture practitioner

Healthy Food:

A vegetarian breakfast, lunch and snacks are an optional addition to the cost of the course.  The varied menu will be varied and we will action feedback from our students to ensure the popular dishes are repeated!!

Please note: evening meals are not included in the course fee.

The restaurant on site will be open in the evenings for those who wish eat at the Jungle café, before the evening sessions. For those sticking to a budget there will be a menu option at just 50 rupees !

Arambol has a wide range of quality restaurants and eaterys. We encourage students to leave the site and explore dining out on their free evenings.


Optional daily morning yoga classes with our dedicated yoga teacher are included in your course fee. They will be held at the venue before breakfast.  They will be designed to suit all levels from beginners to experienced.

We believe these sessions are important for balancing your body and mind during the course. Helping you to reconnect with your body (and weather permitting nature) over this two week period will facilitate you to have a better over all experience.

Students Guide Map:

Recommendations,on places to eat, places to vist  transfers by taxi, scooter or surfboard hire, ATMs (commission free)

This will also include essential information for visitors, the best places visit, arranging transfers by taxi, to hire a scooter or surf boards & ATMs that don’t charge any commission etc…

Support & Signing up :

A dedicated member of the Jungle Oasis Permaculture crew is responsible for all aspects of the smooth running of the Permaculture Design course project.

He will be available on arrival, during the course and will be contactable by mobile phone (in case of emergencies) . He is there to remedy problems, answer questions, and offer advice to students & teaching staff .

His name is Joey Devlin, you can email him now if you have any questions or wish to book on to the course.

Our Journey and what we have found…

Namaste & Hello

This is a brief story about us: Hannah and Joey, two nomads who have left their old lives and joined the traveling community in search of a new way of being.

In this blog post we will tell you a little of our story, what we have been doing on our journey, what we have learnt and what’s happening next for us

Our story,

Joey felt that his job in healthcare was more about a “you fix me” based interaction, and wished for one that involved both the practitioner and the client sharing everything as part of a journey on the road to health.

Hannah’s story reads the same as the first line of the 1982 hit by a Human League:

She was working as waitress in a cocktail bar” and when she really asked herself that all important question about her life and job: “Is this what life is really about?”

We both left our lives and jobs and went to travel the world, we started our journeys on the roof of the world in the Himalayas of nepal. We met each other in October 2013 and since then have been living, loving and traveling together.

Both of us are eternal dreamers and long for an creating a new way of existing in relation to others, sharing a community focused and eco friendly vision of the world. Where we are more focused on community interdependence rather than independence.

We both share a passion for traveling the outdoors, barefoot exploring, prefering to move by motorbike wherever possible and camping whenever we can. So on our path we have discovered and feel a deep connection to this mother earth that we all share. We have learnt that: when we find a vibe that fits ours, that its ok to settle down and really get to know a place, it’s weather, it’s wildlife, its people and of course it’s food.

We both felt drawn to India,

And while there we looked to do a Permaculture Design course (PDC). We Hoped to deepen our understanding of natures systems and be able to live more harmoniously with her patterns and rhythms. So as part of our travels we attended a 2 week intensive PDC, In Auroville Southeast India. This was Led by Rico Zook and under his and Martin Bastide’s experienced tutoring, we were able to grasp the concepts outlined in the Permaculture philosophy such as the key ethics, principles and strategies as well as the technical details of creating and implementing our designs.

Did we achive our goal ? Yes, after finishing the 72hr course we felt our passion renewed and that we had reached understandings of how we can make a change within our own lives, that will affect the world around us. We had the confidence that our skills were strong enough to take on a project ourselves… And we met other like minded souls, from all walks of life and from all over the world. It felt like coming home, bonding to a group who shared the same attitude about life and the ways forward with each finding a little more of their own path along it…  Many we have kept in contact with and hope to see as many as possible again soon… !

Shortly after finishing our PDC and returning to our now second home, in Arambol, Goa, We were given the chance to contribute to the Jungle Project. It’s mission and vision is to build a non-profit centre that champions health care for disabled children of India. Along with providing a pool to use during therapy sessions, it aims to be an accessible environment for all physical abilities. We felt like the universe had put the chance to be part of something special, right at our feet…

The project includes space for people to experience the healing nature of dance and creativity in community. There are a plethora of dance workshops and performances are held and it has a set of large comfortable tipis, and two sets of showers along with calm areas for yoga set right on the edge of the Jungle. Where flocks of Birds and families of Monkeys pass by yoga students as they frequent the sites many wild areas. However the land has been affected by years of chemical farming, its been left dry and undernourished in need of some serious work..

So we feel eternal gratitude at being given the opportunity to become part of a community that shares our vision of healing, creativity and growth. We have been supported by our understanding friends and family, to put into practice a vision of our own design as part of this very special project.We have been given a space and allowed to practice our new found skills. The chance at healing a very special part of the earth and at the same time learning a huge amount ourselves…

So what happens now ?

As we write this we have just finished planning our first project: we have asked our Gurus, Rico and Martin to come to our project and teach a PDC on our site.

We have been inspired to open this space to a range of courses and intend for it to include peoples from all walks of life. We believe that this message of permaculture holds many of the answers we were looking for when we looked at the problem of our world and society and our selves. We believe if applied it truly had the ability to change us and the way we all live in this environment that we all share.

We feel that this space is the perfect venue for a PDC as it offers a mix of comfortable tipi accommodation and all weather classrooms and space for doing hands on work. Its restaurant can easily cater for the stomachs of our students and our site is naturally divided into a social bar area and quieter scared site where plenty of peaceful areas exist.

We can guarantee that you will learn valuable skills from Rico and Martin. So if any of this sounds like your story, or like the story that you want to be a part of, come and join Rico, Martin those who have already booked and us, this November, for an awesome 2 week experience that will change your world.

Our projects vision is to:

  • Regenerate the health of the soil on ours and neighbouring sites.
  • Increase the health and skills off local and visiting people.
  • Provide a haven for Flora and Fauna, of indigenous and introduced species.
  • Act as hub of support for the sustainable community
  • Establish a healing & edible landscape, thought our environment
  • Allow access for all physical abilities over the entire site
  • Develop sources of income that generate right (ethical) livelihoods

So what can you do to make this sound like your story ?

To read more about our project visit : thejungleoasispermacultureproject.org

Thanks for reading, we hope this story inspires the change your looking for, Remember what Ghandi said and : BE the change you look for in this world… 🙂

(this story was originaly posted on www.jdpermaculture.com)